Bangalore, also known as Bengaluru, is a city in southern India that is known for its vibrant culture, tech industry, and beautiful weather. However, one of the lesser-known events that takes place in the city every year is Zero Shadow Day. Many people may have heard of this event before, but not many know what it is or why it occurs.
What is Zero Shadow Day?
Zero Shadow Day is an event that occurs twice a year, in Bengaluru as well as several other cities around the world. During this event, the shadow of any vertical object at the local solar noon disappears for a short period. This means that if you were to stand a stick up vertically on the ground, it would have no shadow at all during this time.
Why Does Zero Shadow Day Occur?
The occurrence of Zero Shadow Day is due to the tilt of Earth's axis and the way that sunlight interacts with the planet. During the summer solstice, which occurs on June 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, the tilt of Earth's axis causes the sun's rays to hit the city of Bangalore at a nearly 90-degree angle. This means that the sun is almost directly overhead, and as a result, the shadows disappear completely for a few minutes. The same phenomenon occurs during the winter solstice on December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere, but the angle of the sun's rays is slightly different.
What Does Zero Shadow Day Mean?
While Zero Shadow Day may seem like an interesting but insignificant event, it actually has some interesting cultural significance. In many cultures around the world, the summer solstice is a time of celebration and joy, as it marks the longest day of the year. In India, this event is celebrated with festivals and rituals, and some people even believe that it has special spiritual significance.
In conclusion, Zero Shadow Day is a fascinating event that occurs twice a year in Bengaluru and several other cities around the world. The event is caused by the tilt of Earth's axis and the way that sunlight interacts with the planet. While the occurrence of Zero Shadow Day may seem insignificant, it has a larger cultural significance in many parts of the world. So, next time you're in Bengaluru around the summer or winter solstice, be sure to take a moment to appreciate this unique and fascinating event.